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Warband Creator Formula
Sam Sedghi
1. The basic method:
Henchmen: I base these on standard WH units. For instance a standard high
Elf unit is 8pts... multiply that by 5 = 40gc
Dwarf 8pts x 5= 40gc ( NO difference with the official dwarf warrior
Human 5pts x 5 = 25gc (no difference to the MH unit)
Skaven 4.5pts x 5= 22.5gc ( 2.5gcdiffrence to the MH unit clan rat)
Another method: is to add up all the characteristics on the standard unit
Elven unit= 5+4+4+3+3+1+6+1+8= 35GC ( 5gc less than the method above) Also
note that Toumas Pirinen the creator of Mordheim priced his High Elf Henchmen
at 35GC
Human unit=4+3+3+3+3+1+3++1+7= 28GC (exactly the same as the method above)
Skaven Unit=5+3+3+3+3+1+4+1+5= 28gc (exactly the same as the
method above
or a 4gc difference.)
Dwarf unit:3+4+3+3+4+1+2+1+9=30gc (exactly 10gc difference with the method
above) this one has a high GC difference as the method above. But as you can
see it is close to the HE cost difference, HE units more expensive by 5gc.
The same two methods can be used to convert other races to Mordheim. Although
once you've have the prices it is imperative to play test the warbands, the
price might differ from +10GC to -10GC ( MARGIN of ERROR) depending on the
restrictions and rules they have. After 8+ games you should be able to have
the right price.
If you want to decrease stat's of a standard race unit, then it'll decrease
the stat's by -5gc. for example An elf young blood stats:
M\5 WS\3 Bs\3 WS\3 T\3 W\1 A\1 I\5 LD\8 =25gc
(Using the first method
standard elf 40gc -15 = 25gc)
If you want to Increase a Henchmen stat's you add +5gc if you want to give it
a special rule you add +10.
If you restrict the henchmen from certain equipment list.... for instance a
Witch elf is 40gc but has the frenzy rule + 10= 50gc. The witch elf cannot
have any missile weapons and no armour except helmet... you -10 from the total
value which give you 40gc
hence the witch elf is 40gc
remember there is a +10gc and -10gc margin of error, to get it right you have
to play test the warband thoroughly.
But if you calculate the methods i have given you you'll see that they are
very accurate and close to initial costs.
Note restriction to weapons and armuor should be accounted for whilst
play testing... I will write a more in-depth analysis on this but I have big
time constraints and as I've said again and again I don't have the luxury of
having time (apologies)
I prefer the first method of calculating henchmen example: WH elf 8 pts x 5
= MH unit at 40gc
FOR EACH RULE YOU SHOULD ADD +10 ( including magic users)
standard Elf M\5 WS\4 BS\4 S\3 T\3 W\1 I\6 A\1 LD\8 40gc
Elf noble: +1BS +1WS +1I +1 LD = 20gc
+Leadership skill 10gc total=
40gc +20+10= 70pts. So the Noble cost 70pts
High Elf Loremaster +10 magic + Noble costs = 80pts. (note
that in the
Lustria egroup files the Loremaster is 80gc, while in the Mordheim egroup
files it's 90gc.. referring to the Elf ranger I customized)
Toumas Pirinen's own HE lore master is 80GC
Standard Human stats M\4 WS\3 BS\3 S\3 T\4 W\1 I\3 A\1 LD\8 cost
(Mordheim cost 28 gc from the formula I use)
Human Captain : M\4 WS\4 BS\4 S\3 T\3 W\1 I\4 A\1 Ld\8
That's +1BS +1WS +1I +1LD = 5+5+5+5= 20gc +25= 45gc (48gc with the
I used a difference or 3)
Leader ship skill + 10 + captain cost 10+ 45= 55gc (58gc with the formulaI
use) there is a difference of 5 (margin of error) you must remember that
certain mercenary groups get bonus such as +1BS or start off with an extra
100gc to spend
Skaven Standard unit M\5 WS\3 BS\3 S\3 T\3 W\3 I\4 A\1 LD\5 cost
Assassin Adept: M+1 WS+1 BS+1 S+1 I+1 Ld+2= 5+5+5+5+5+10= 35gc + 25gc=
+10 for Leader Ship + 60= 70gc (10gc difference between MH cost.. margin of
error). Note the fact of the restrictions of black powdered weapons and
crossbow's plus light armour only -10 = 60gc
Toumas Pirinen's swordmaster
Standard elf 40 gc Bs+1 WS+1 I+1= 5+5+5=15 +40 = 55. Toumas's Swordmaster
cost is 50gc... however the Elfranger warband which I customized the
swordmaster is 55gc.
I can go on all night a show you all the examples... but that's my formula i
hope you all use it to your advantage...
Sam Sedghi