Campaign FAQ Army Builder files: A very special thanks to Colen, not Colin, McAlister for doing such a great job on making the files 'portable'. Remember that if you upgrade your base files, the default setting will delete files that were not updated. This means that you will have to recopy the files to your data directory after an update. Games Workshop Official FAQ:
NO FREE GROMRIL! 1. Can a starting Dwarf Warband get Gromril Daggers for free? Since the first dagger you buy is free and the cost of Gromril Weapons is 3x normal value - 3x0=0? - The first DAGGER is free, not the first Gromril Dagger! GHOULS AIN'T GOT NUTHIN 1. Under the Henchmen listing for Ghouls, it says that they can never carry equipment. However, if your Ghoul gets the "That Lad's Got Talent" advancement and you make him a Ghoul Hero, he can get Combat Skills for one of his choices. If he gets the chance to learn a new skill, can you give him Weapons Training to allow him to use weapons or is the listing about Ghoul Henchmen never using weapons final? - The letter of the rule is that Ghouls can have NO equipment. However, so many people enjoy equipping their Ghouls that I (Tuomas) rarely point this out. I hate seeing all of those Ghoul conversions going to waste! MULTIPLE MUTATION BONUSES 1. Can you take a multiple of the same mutation so that each one gives you a benefit? For example: Tentacle twice for -1 Attack per tentacle. - Yes. However, in order to get three Tentacles, you must first buy the Extra Arm mutation as the Tentacle has to have an arm to grow from. You can have multiples of any of the mutations with cumulative effects. But, remember that a Possessed with say, two Blackbloods costs 180 GC! POSSESSED MUTANT BENEFITS 1. Does the profile chart on page 121, include the benefits that Mutants and Possessed may gain from mutations? For example, can a Mutant who was bought with 2 of the Extra arm mutations, which would give him 3 attacks in close combat, only gain one more attack advance on his profile? Or could he end up with 4 attacks gained from advances and then have 2 extra attacks from having 2 extra arms? - No. Just as they don't include benefits of weapons models carry and yes, he could end up with six attacks if the dice favored him. INTERCEPTION MOVES 1. If a warrior declares a charge and an opposiing model can intercept him, does the model that can intercept actually move or does the fact that my charge could be intercepted simply prevent me from charging? - In bare essence it means that you cannot charge THAT model (i.e. check before moving the charger whether he can charge or not). However, many players move the intercepting model and let the charge be targetted against that model. TOUGHENED LEATHERS DEFINED 1. Who can wear the Toughened Leathers from the Opulent Goods chart in White Dwarf #239? - Since they are purchased as equipment, all Heroes can wear them. Henchmen cannot wear Toughened Leathers. SPEARS AND CHARGING 1. What happens when a model with a spear charges another model with a spear? - The attacks go in Initiative order. Roll a d6 to see who goes first if both models have the same initiative. THE SPELL OF AWAKENING 1. In regards to the Spell of Awakening, how does the new Zombie model figure into the warband rating? More specifically, does the Zombie's experience count towards the warband rating? - He counts for 5 points plus the experience he has gained towards the rating. 2. Does a Sister Superior that gets turned into a Zombie by the Spell of Awakening still get to use her Sigmarite Warhammers? Since these are holy weapons you would think no, but... - The answer is no, but the thought of it isn't unappealing. HENCHMEN GROUP EXPERIENCE CAP 1. Are Henchmen Groups limited to the 14 experience points listed on the roster sheet? - Yes, 14 is the limit. SISTERS OF SIGMAR STEEL WHIPS 1. Can the steel whip be used to attack an enemy model in close combat from a distance? - Yes. Also, there is no need to randomize the hit, only the enemy model is attacked. RACIAL MAXIMUMS FOR HALFLINGS AND OGRES 1. What are the maximum statistics for the Ogre Bodyguard and Halfling Cook? - Ogre - Halfling SPEARS AND ATTACK ORDER 1. If a warrior armed with a spear and a sword (or any other one-handed weapon) gets charged by an enemy model, does the spear-wielder get both of his attacks to strike first or does he get an attack with the spear, the enemy strikes and then an attack with his sword? - First the spear attack, then the charger's attacks and then the sword attack. SKAVEN BLOWPIPE COST 1. The Blowpipe is 30 GC in the Skaven Equipment list and 25GC in its description on the next page. Which one is it? - 25 GC. **HENCHMEN EXPERIENCE CLARIFIED** 1. When you have more than one Henchman in a Henchman group, how does their experience affect your warband rating? - A LOT of people seem to be confused on this one. A Henchman group with five members and one experience point adds +5 to your warband rating, not +1 as a many players seem to believe. WARPLOCK PISTOLS AND HTH 1. Is a Skaven warplock pistol treated like other pistols in all regards except the strength and range (ie: brace of pistols can fire every round, be used in close combat etc...)? - Yes. 2. Also, it says if a character has a brace of pistols they can fire both in the first round of hth combat resolved at the pistol's strength. After the first round can they fire a single shot each turn or none at all? - None. 3. Is it permissable to holster the guns an fight with other weapons (say a sword and dagger) after the first round? - Yes. GROMRIL AND ITHILMAR DEFINED 1. According to page 65, Strating a Warband, a warband can only ever use the weapons and armor on their initial equipment list. A provision is made to get other weapons that aren't on the list later on (ie: the Weapons Training skill). However there is no provision for armor. On the Price Chart we see Gromril and Mithril Armor. They have costs and rare rolls, but no warband has them on their equipment list. Is this something that will be added later or is it an error or something else? - No. Gromril and Ithilmar are Materials. They are still suits of heavy armor, albeit made from expensive materials. RULEBOOK ERRATA Page
39: Frenzy, 4th. paragraph, remove the reference
to Terror tests SKAVEN 1. Under Giant Rats (p.95) is: "Pack Size: You can recruit as many Giant Rats as you wish." What does this mean? Can I have more than 20? No other answer seems to make sense. Since rats cannot get experience, there is no special benefit to having large groups of them. If it really just means that the Henchmen Group does not have to be 1-5 models, then why make this a special rule at all? Is there a benefit, beyond experience, to having large Henchmen Groups? - It takes up less room on the warband roster sheet. Pragmatic and simple. 2. Tail Fighting allows the model to use a shield, yet most Skaven Heroes cannot get shields. How can this skill be used? - Darn, I knew I should have corrected that (-Tuomas). Oh well... yes, you are right - Skaven Heroes other than Night Runners and promoted Verminkin cannot use shields. 3. A model with Fighting Claws may not use any other weapons for the entire battle. I assume that there is no exception for a model with Tail Fighting? The word "any" seems pretty exclusive. - With Tail Fighting, you can have an additional weapon (hooray!). 4. Night Runners take equipment from the Henchmen Equipment lists, even though they are Heroes. Is this correct or are they supposed to draw their equipment from the from the Heroes lists? - No, this is the truth. But being able to get a parry, a reroll and an additional attack on your Heroes that can take Fighting Claws isn't that bad. HIRED SWORDS 1. The Dwarf Troll Slayer has Ferocious Charge which doubles his attacks when charging but at the cost of a -1 to hit penalty. This penalty is negated by his other skill Berserker which give +1 to hit when charging, What's the point? Why have modifiers at all or is one of them incorrect? - They are both correct. It is not
required that skills be used in most cases. The Troll Slayer could opt to not
use Ferocious Charge if he thought the opponent wasn't nasty enough to warrant
it or if he jsut really wanted to make sure that his fewer number of attacks
actually hit. EXPERIENCE 1. Rat Ogres and other large creatures are worth 20 points on a warband's rating. To calculate this same rating, the formula is 5x the number of models in the warband. Does this mean large creatures are, in effect, worth more on the rating? - No, they only count as 20 (plus XP if any). |