ELF RANGERSby Tuomas PirinenFrom the White Tower the Loremasters drew their auguries: the Comet of Chaos, the Doombringer, the Dark Shard, plummeted towards the earth. Soon the Stargraphers pinpointed the place where it would hit: the city of mortal men called Mordheim. Worse, the fears of the High Loremaster were justified: The comet was a shard from the dark moon Morrslieb, and it held a terrible power which could plunge the world into a dark era of Chaos. The council was held and the Elves made a decision: they would have to send expeditions to remove the dangerous stones. But they would have to work quitely and in secret, for the power-hungry human rulers would surely stop them if they would find out their true purpose.
CHOICE OF WARRIORSAn Elf Warband must incliude a minimum of 3 models. You have 500 Gold Crowns to recruit your initial Warband. The maximum number of warriors in the warband is 12, though some buildings in the warband's encampment may increase this. Loremaster: Each Elf Warband must have one Lormaster to lead it: no more, no less! Sword Masters: Your warband may include up to 2 Sword Masters. Rangers: Your warband may include up to 2 Rangers. Elf Scouts: Your Warband may include any number of Elf Scouts. Elf Warriors: Your Warband may include any number of Elf Warriors.
STARTING EXPERIENCELoremaster starts with 20 experience. Elf Rangers start with 8 experience. Swordmasters start with 11 experience. All Henchmen start with 0 experience.
SPECIAL ELVEN EQUIPMENTELVEN GREATSWORDS 25 Gold Crowns The Greatswords of Ulthuan are superb weapons: over six feet long and razor-sharp. Only the Swordmasters of Hoeth have the necessary skill to wield such mighty blades.
Elf Heroes may use the following Skill table instead of any of the standard Skill tables.
LOREMASTER 80 Gold Crowns to hire Loremasters are the Elven Mages of the White Tower, sworn to protect the world against the encroachments of Chaos. They have been schooled in the ways of Magic in the Tower of Hoeth, and trained in martial skills by the mighty Swordmasters.
Weapons/Armour: Loremaster may be equipped with weapons and equipment chosen from the Ranger Equipment list. Loremasters may never wear any armour. SPECIAL RULES SWORDMASTERS 50 Gold Crowns to hire Swordmasters of Hoeth often join the Elf Ranger warbands that travel to Mordheim, lending their skill and sword mastery to the band. They are true masters of the blade.
Weapons/Armour: Swordmasters may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Sword Master Equipment list. SPECIAL RULES ELF RANGERS 35 Gold Crowns to hire Elf rangers are silent and intense warriors, expert trackers and pathfinders. There are few who can match the accuracy of these Elven archers.
Weapons/Armour: Elf Rangers may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Ranger Equipment list.
ELVEN ARCHERS 35 Gold Crowns to hire Elf Archers are keen-eyed warriors, especially potent when armed with the deadly Elf bows.
Weapons/Armour: Elf Rangers may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Ranger Equipment list. ELVEN WARRIORS 35 Gold Crowns to hire Elf warriors are stern, nimble fighters, especially adept at close-quarter fighting.
Weapons/Armour: Elf Warriors may be equipped with weapons and armour chosen from the Sword Master Equipment list. |