Opulent Pearl Campaign


                      Scryer's Call - Issue 2
The Headless Horseman seen
in the ruins of Mordheim is rumored to have slain the great Scorpious. The Horseman was last seen to have been riding down Scorpious of the Blood and Stingers Cult.

A Wicca of Witch elves has been attacked in the ruins of Mordheim. Too much is still unkown about them but, Gavi stated in a recent interview that he personal dispatched one of the foul maidens of pain in personal combat. Gavi, of course, is part of Rald's warband. While Gavi's leg is far more gruesome than needed to inspire fear in us; we rather doubt his story as he tends to embellish the truth such as his stories of side stepping blows. Gavi, you only have one good leg.....

In Other News       Grethor the Great has obtained the Skull of Ne' var. Grethor is now claiming to be controlling the Horseman through the Skull of Ne'var.  Grethor was served well by Scorpious, whom was paid handsomely for his services in the ruins of Mordheim. Scorpious was knocked down by the Horseman trying to protect him.  

Rald the Destroyer narrowly misses the decision to disband. Apparently Rald's warband wanted to call it quits until Kemp talked them into giving it one more go. As you know, Rald has been badly mauled in the last couple of games. Gavi has been so horribly wounded that his scars alone can cause fear even in the most stern of men but, even dwarves can move faster. Kemp is the new hero on the scene that recent was brought up from the Brigades. Having lead the Brigades for quite sometime and sparking Rald's determination the Lad was promoted due to his convictions.



Clifton Claw dies in the ruins of Mordheim. Struck down by a Beastmen menace. Bugsy the mutant also slain by the same Beastmen.

Unknown bodies found littering the ruins thought to be the Cult of Ungar.

Knarlbad the Kleaver thought to have meet his end facing the vomitus attacks of a Troll. Scorpious actually claims to possess the Head of Knarlbad.

A funeral will be held for Janis "dead shot" Muear at high sun on the morrow. The services will be held at the sign of the Bloody Flagon. After which A vampire staking party will be held. Weapons, & Armor suggested. Stakes, Garlic, & Holy symbols will be provided. Party crashers will be expected at roughly night fall.

Wanted:  Snotling seekz imploiment. Can do lotz of fingz, includin' eatin', sleepin', an' talking. Will work fer too gold bitz, or MANY shiny bitz. I also singz,and will pruvide own mushrooms.

A new menace has arisen from the sewers. Skrit and his warband have found their way into the ruins of Mordheim. Heavy sewer fighting has prevented the band from outright terror on the streets but Dung's warband is having a hard time keeping the ratmen in check.

Notices:  Are your friends all dead? Do you have a necromancer living next door? Put them all to rest. Call the Priests of Morr at a graveyard near you.

Wanted: Information regarding the whereabouts of the witch hunter Ignatius and his men. He is tall and thin, wears a black patch over his left eye, and answers to "Iggy."
Reply to Lupos, at the Twisted Goat.