Opulent Pearl Campaign

Scryer's Call - Issue 1
Scryer's Call - Issue 2
Scryer's Call - Issue 3
Scryer's Call - Issue 4

  Hear Ye        Hear Ye           The Grand Marshall of Ostermark, Lord von Strab, Your Supreme Divinatory of the Faith of Sigmar has decreed that the Pearl of  Lu 'Lith be found.

   It is rumored that it can be found within the Ruins of Mordheim. Faithful whom would assume this quest contact the Scryer of Mordheim in the encampments.

 As if to further the contempt that Sigmar has shown for Mordheim numerous foul warbands have been seen in and around the City.

 Of note, a Foul Beastmen warband has taken part of the City as their stone.

 Also having been seen, is a ramble of a greenskin menace. As if to Spite Sigmar further these greenskins not only talk in their gutturally tones but have been seen scrawling vulgarities on the old temple ruins.

 A vile band of Witch Elves have been spotted in the ruins of Mordheim. Watch out for you innocents as them may become lost.



 The mighty champion of Middenheim has shown up to help cleanse Mordheim of these menaces. Having meet with severe casualties the mighty Rald the Destroyer has been unsuccessful in dealing with these threats.

 The Shrine of Chaos can be found deep within the gates of Mordheim. It is rumored that Bob the Brutal himself lies in ambush for the unwary awaiting to sacrifice you to his dark gods.

The Pearl of Lu 'Lith must be returned to Von Strab before the Solstice Feast.

 Blood and Stingers cult has risen from the ashes of Mordheim. I pray that they are stopped and their foulness is cleansed.

The Fate of Mordheim lies in your hands.