Opulent Pearl Campaign


                         Warband Rating Ladder

Warband Name Wins Loses Total Rating
Rald's Raiders 0 5 5 170
Morreslieb's Manthing Slayers 1 0 1 124
Grobba's Greenskins 1 1 2 120
Knarlbad's Kleavers 1 3 4 118
Cult of the Brutal Bob 2 5 7 112
Blood and Stingers 2 0 2 78
Witch Elf Raiders 0 1 1 TBA
Warbands By Wins
Warband Name Wins Loses Total Rating
Blood and Stingers 2 0 2 78
Cult of the Brutal Bob 2 5 7 112
Morreslieb's Manthing Slayers 1 0 1 124
Grobba's Greenskins 1 1 2 120
Knarlbad's Kleavers 1 3 4 118
Witch Elf Raiders 0 1 1 TBA
Rald's Raiders 0 5 5 170